
Non-urgent advice: Making Appointments

You can access online help using our online contact service by clicking here.

You can also visit the practice between 8am and 6.30pm to book an appointment with our reception staff. The staff will be able to triage the information provided and give you the most suitable option for you.

To make online bookings for your appointment please download the NHS app here. This is a secure and easy way to access your medical information, a range of NHS services for your primary and secondary care.

Non-urgent advice: Urgent Appointments

For urgent appointments please call 020 8586 6555 for Emergencies only. This will be triaged and the appropriate advice / actions provided

Non-urgent advice: Your Appointment

However you have booked your appointment, we may offer you a consultation:

By phone
Face to face at the practice
By text or email

Appointments by phone or AccuRx Triage will be more flexible and can result in faster communication.

If you need assistance in your appointment please tell us if:

– an interpreter is required (one week’s notice if the appointment is face to face). If you have booked the appointment online then please contact the practice to ensure we can get an interpreter for you

– you have any communication needs

– you have access needs we should be mindful of

Non-urgent advice: Cancel an Appointment

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. If you booked the appointment online you are able to also cancel it online in the same portal.

If for some reason this does not work then the practice can be contacted the cancel the appointment.

NOTE: If an appointment is cancelled within 1 hour of the scheduled time this will be recorded as a missed appointment in your GP record. Constant missed appointments, and failure to adhere with these guidelines may result in your removal from our patient list.

Please see our practice policy for missed appointments here

Enhanced Access Service / When we are closed

Use the Enhanced Access Service to book appointments when we are closed. Call 020 7540 9949 or speak to reception. This is not a walk in service but the service offers pre-bookable, routine primary care appointments with a range of clinicians including GPs, nurses and other health care professionals.

If you require help outside of our opening hours you can contact the following:

  • Call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online
  • Call 999 for all life-threatening emergencies or mental health emergencies.

Home Visits

Please note: This is a service for HOUSE-BOUND patients only

If you require a home visit from the doctor then please note you will need to call the surgery (020 858 665 55) before 11am if a visit is required that same day.

You will need to give the receptionist as much detail as possible to allow the Doctor to prioritise the house call.

Home visits are at the discretion of the doctors based on your medical needs. A lack of transport to the surgery is not a valid reason for a house call